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Visa® Account Updater - FAQs

2 minute read

What is Visa Account Updater (VAU)?

Visa Account Updater is a free service that automatically updates your WSECU card numbers and expiration dates with participating merchants and service providers who have your card on file for regular or recurring payments.

What are the benefits of this service?

The main benefit of VAU is to maintain uninterrupted service and avoid late payments when your card information has been updated, as well as saving you the hassle of updating your information manually on multiple sites.

Which of my cards will be automatically updated?

Any debit or credit card that has been reissued with a new number or expiration date will be updated with all participating providers within two business days of activation.

Do all merchants participate in VAU?

Not all, but most of the larger ones do. If you’re unsure if a particular merchant or service provider subscribes to this service, either contact them directly or check your account info on their site at least two days after activating a new card.

How do I encourage my merchant to participate in VAU?

Merchant participation in the Visa Account Updater service is optional. You can reach out to merchants with whom you have your card on file to suggest they ask their merchant services provider about participating in the service. The service is also a merchant benefit to ensure charges or recurring charges they have been authorized to submit on your behalf are processed using the new card information. This will minimize delayed or declined payments.

How do I enroll in the service?

There’s nothing you need to do – WSECU members are enrolled automatically at no charge.

Can I opt out of Visa Account Updater?

Yes, you can to opt out by sending us a secure message in Mobile Banking, giving us a call at or stopping by your nearest branch.

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