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PayItNow P2P Transfer

PayItNow P2P Transfer

Easy. Free. Fast.

Split the bill. Tip the plumber. Or send money to mom.

With PayItNow P2P Transfer, you can send money from your personal checking account or debit card anytime, anywhere in the U.S.

Best of all, it’s free and as easy as sending an email or text.

  • Send money to anyone in 1-2 business days.
  • It’s free and automatic with a WSECU checking account or debit card — no sign-up necessary.
  • Transfer money through WSECU Online Banking and our Mobile Banking app.

Two women smiling while looking at their phones


PayItNow P2P Transfer is a person to person (P2P) money transfer service offered through WSECU. It is available to members through Online and Mobile Banking.

PayItNow P2P Transfer lets you send money from your personal checking account or debit card to an email address or mobile phone number — no matter where the recipient does their banking.

  1. Sign in to WSECU Online or Mobile Banking.
  2. Under the Transfer & Pay menu, click P2P Transfers.
  3. Enter the recipient’s email or mobile phone number.
  4. You will be asked to input a security question and answer. The recipient must provide the exact same answer to the question to receive the transfer. TIP: Choose a question with a simple, one-word answer, such as “What is my pet’s name?” and share the answer with the recipient.
  5. Enter the dollar amount, verify the information and click Transfer.
  6. If money is sent via debit card, there is an additional multifactor authentication security step for first-time recipients.

Sending money from your checking account typically takes 1-2 business days once the recipient accepts the funds and provides their account information. When sending money from your debit card, the funds are withdrawn as soon as the recipient accepts them and provides their account information.

You can cancel or change a transfer until the recipient accepts it by clicking the arrow next to the transfer in the scheduled payments area. Once the recipient accepts the transfer, it cannot be cancelled or changed.

 If funds are both sent and received via debit card, or if the recipient previously chose to accept transfers from you automatically, your transaction cannot be cancelled or changed.

No. The recipient doesn't need to be a WSECU member. They’ll be notified money is being sent and prompted to follow a few easy steps to accept the funds.

Yes. Member account information is not shared with recipients, and transactions are protected with a secret question and answer to ensure funds are transferred securely. Transactions are also covered by the Electronic Funds Transfer Policy in WSECU’s Consumer Account Agreement. However, it’s important to know who you are sending money to. For more information on keeping your accounts secure, visit Security Central.

Currently, you may send money to the 50 U.S. states, Washington D.C., Armed Forces Americas, Armed Forces Other, Armed Forces Pacific, American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands.

No. PayItNow P2P Transfer is a free service available to WSECU checking account holders.

If the transfer is complete and the money is not in the recipient's account after two business days, they should check with their financial institution.

Currently, you cannot schedule recurring or future transfers.

At this time, PayitNow P2P Transfers can not be initiated from WSECU small business or organizational accounts.

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